Europa Valve designs are developed using the latest software based analysis tools.
As a check valve manufacturer in the UK, this is an important process in valve design and production.
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is used at the development stages of the design to simulate real-world flow conditions. Using CFD a wide range of variations in physical design and operational parameters can be tested and refined until a set which gives optimum performance is identified. CFD performed on the Venturi Check Valve design.
Finite Element Analysis (FEA) takes place at the development stage to ensure the design gives the best possible performance. This is achieved by simulating the working conditions of the valve using computational analysis.
At the design stage, cast components are analysed using the latest foundry
analysis tools. This vital analysis helps to foresee problems at the casting stages such as problems with feeding and casting quality. It can also help to reduce production costs.
Any modifications highlighted from this process can then be fed back in to the design before a single pattern has been produced.
Foundry Analysis for a body casting from a Venturi Check Valve.